Kitchen Bullies

Watch out for ominous onions.

They don’t give a hoot how you feel.

They’re louts, they’re yobs, they’re brutes, they’re slobs,

They love it when people go squeal.

They’ll make you wail, they’ll make you cry,

They’ll make you break down with a tear in your eye.

Watch out for ominous onions.

Beware their charm and a-peel.

11 Responses to “Kitchen Bullies”

  1. Love it! Good fun stuff there 🙂

  2. Very true. A warning to hang in the kitchen.

  3. Ahh I love a good pun ☺️

  4. Oh that was delightful! I love it! thank you – for the lovely grin from ear to ear! you are so talented!

  5. This made me giggle XD

  6. check it out and follow!

  7. This isn’t really about onions, is it?

  8. Feel the most vicious of the onion species are the ones you grow in your own garden. Good Poem


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